Home Education and Life Inspiration

This is a humble little blog meant to encourage and support Christian women who feel the Lord has lead them to homeschool their children. I will share information and resources, as well as a few thoughts, insights and encouragements.

"Even the sparrow finds a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, at your altars, O Lord of hosts, my King and my God. Blessed are those who dwell in your house, ever singing your praise!" Psalm 84:3&4

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Long forgotten gems

  I love antique shops.  I love to imagine the history of all the objects.  I  can imagine when that brooch was given as a Christmas gift, or the first time a young lady wore that hat.  I love it.  When I incorporate antiques into our home, I feel like I add another dimension to my decorating.  So, it's no surprise that I have found some antiquated homeschool items that I am incorporating into our curriculum. And, because they are so old, they are in the public domain (which means they're FREE).

  My favorite free resource is an art instruction book that was published in 1913.  It's called What To Draw and How To Draw It by E.G. Lutz.  This book is truly a treasure.  Everything is based on simple lines or swirls and the end results are simply beautiful and much more realistic then any of the simply children's drawing books that I've seen.  Learn to draw animals, buildings, people, plants, etc.  I don't know who enjoys it more, me or the kids.

  Another great book is Grammar-Land: Grammar in Fun for the Children of Schoolroom-shire by M.L. Nesbitt, published in 1878.  It's a very imaginative story that helps kids understand the parts of speech.  This is a great supplement to a Charlotte Mason style approach to literature.  And, to accompany Grammar-Land, there are some free worksheets!  If you are doing the Classical Conversations Essentials program, I feel this would really coordinate nicely. 

   Last, but certainly not least, is one of my favorite little books called Primary Language Lessons by Emma Serle, published in 1911. You can download it for free on Google Books.

 I've included links to all these resources, and some others, on the right of my blog.  I'll add more as I stumble upon them.

Enjoy these great freebies!


Friday, October 12, 2012

Video Reviews!!!!!!!

I am a major curriculum junkie. I love to research and peruse all the homeschool world has to offer. I enjoy it. But not everyone does. The curriculum world can be very overwhelming and the idea of starting an adventure like homeschooling can be daunting, to say the least. So, I decided to start doing video reviews. My goal is to do two reviews a week. I'll explain or demonstrate some of the resources I think are goldmines. I'll also share some organizing tips and other odds and ends. On the right, there is a link to my You Tube page. Enjoy.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

I didn't get around to homeschooling today because I was busy starting my homeschool blog

Yes, I confess, it's true. My children were playing in harmony today and I seized the opportunity to cross "create homeschool blog" off my to-do list. I just thought I share that bit of reality with you all.
On a side note, they were playing dress-up and acting out stories from our history lessons. That's gotta count for something. All in all, the day was a success.

God is Enough (even when you aren't)

When two moms meet at church, in a park, or in line at the grocery store, the conversation inevitably turns to what school the kids go to. When I reply, "We homeschool" a vast majority of moms express a desire to homeschool, or at least say the have thought about it. They applaud those that do it, but say they never could. They aren't patient enough. They aren't organized enough. They aren't educated enough. They believe they aren't enough. This breaks God's heart. This breaks my heart. But I know the secret. God IS enough. Sisters, Women of God, if He has put it on your heart to keep and educate your children at home, where they can grow and learn surrounded by the ones that love them most, soaking in truth, and loving wisdom, He will provide all you need to answer that call. And he will make it BEAUTIFUL.
We expect our children to grow, to learn and to become insatiable learners. We tell them to be patient. As they grow, we teach them to be organized and responsible. They must follow-through. And we love them through the process. Growing in patience can be a painful process, but God's mercies are new every morning. Becoming more organized takes practice; it's a process. But, His order can be ours. Sacrificing time, attention, energy, child-free errands, and thorough house-cleanings, in order to homeschool is an investment that will bring boundless blessings for generations. We believe children are capable of being patient, learning new skills, and becoming what God has created them to be. We need to believe this of ourselves. After all, we are God's children, and we too, are becoming. You can educate your children at home. And here's another little secret; you've been doing it all along. The only difference is that you'll be doing it on purpose, while totally depending on the Holy Spirit to guide and strengthen you. Exciting, isn't it? Y es, You CAN do it. ‎